Together with our raw material suppliers and importers Hagmans Kemi AB will continue to see that our customers/partners continuously will have access to our products. It is our aim that all substances in the products that we produce or import shall be pre registered.

Our raw material suppliers and importers have confirmed that they either have the intention to pre register all their agents or they assume that the substances are covered by exceptional. It has been confirmed that some of the substances already are pre registered.

During the pre registration period we will have contact with all our raw material suppliers and importers to make them fulfill the expectations that you, as customer/partners to Hagmans, demand.

If it will come to our knowledge that a certain substances, included in our products, will not be pre registered, we will inform our customers/partners as soon as possible. If this will occur, we will use approved alternative raw material suppliers, this means that we will be able to supply our customers with Hagmans products after dead line.

At Hagmans Kemi AB we know that our customers/partners have introduced administrative routines to observe if the chemicals that we use are ready for REACH. We realize that these routines could be burdensome and to facilitate we will report the information we receive from raw material suppliers and importers that could effect our customers/partners.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need more information; use your contact person at Hagmans Kemi AB or the e-mail address below.
Leif Säterborn                                            
Manager R & D

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